Browsing: Economy
Moscow’s trade with BRICS nations surged by 14.7% in early 2024, highlighting the city’s growing economic partnerships across key industries like microelectronics and agriculture.
China’s economy is under severe strain as manufacturing and property sectors struggle, raising doubts about the government’s growth target for 2024.
Market buzzes as Apple unveils game-changing AI platform, reshaping tech landscape and sparking fervent interest among industry players.
UAE-US trade: $31.4B, anticipates 2024 growth, strengthened by robust bilateral ties, poised for expansion.
South Korea’s fertility rate hits record low in 2023, as women delay childbirth due to career and financial concerns.
Israeli economy reels as GDP shrinks by 20% amid ongoing Gaza war, high-tech sector particularly affected by extensive military mobilization.
Japan’s economy slips to fourth place as recession hits, with Germany overtaking amid global economic shifts.
Geopolitical pressures challenge China’s pursuit of self-sufficiency, shaping its economic strategies in an evolving global landscape.
JPMorgan names India as its key Asian market in 2024, due to the global “China plus one” manufacturing strategy, benefiting India’s economy.
In 2023, Germany’s economy saw a 0.3% decline, its first since the Covid-19 outbreak, amid various national challenges, per Destatis data.